Ingredients Instructions Estimated Macros Cooking Time
Category: Recipes
Granola Pot
This bowl is a great source of protein, healthy fats and antioxidants
Carrot, Ginger and Coriander soup
Enjoy this vibrant, warming soup full of bold, fresh flavours!
Couscous with Feta Cheese and Black Olives
Enjoy this healthy, tasty, and easy-to-make recipe!
Creamy peanut and chocolate sweet treat
Ingredients Instructions Cooking Time This is such a yummy treat to have when you need a sweet fix!
Super Greens Beans on Toast
Enjoy this vibrant, warming soup full of bold, fresh flavours!
Courgette, pea and feta soup
Enjoy this vibrant, warming soup full of bold, fresh flavours!
Creamy Mushroom Soup
Enjoy this vibrant, warming soup full of bold, fresh flavours!
Berry Crumble
Ingredients Instructions Cooking Time This is so easy YUM! Single serving double up if you want to feed more!
Tuna Melt Quesadilla
Ingredients Instructions Cooking Time This is so delicious..I like to make double the amount of tuna and keep it handy in the fridge to have on repeat!